
  1. Keep the bandage on for 4-10 hours. With clean hands remove the bandage and rinse with WATER. DO NOT USE SOAP. Pat your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel or air dry, do not use towels or cloths as they can harbor bacteria.

  2. For the first 2 days, leave your tattoo alone (Rinse ONLY with water, NO SOAP, LOTIONS or CREAMS should be applied).

  3. After 2 days, you can start gently washing your tattoo with soap (DO NOT SCRUB the tattooed area). Rinse off with water and pat your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel. Generally most people advise to apply some sort of lotion or tattoo ointment at this point but I recommend letting your new tattoo dry out. Applying lotions to a fresh tattoo seems pointless if you really think about it, if you cut your self you don’t apply lotion to it right? Save the “it puts the lotion on its skin” until after you’re done peeling/scabbing, you’ll thank me later . Avoid using anything with Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) or Aloe Vera.

Things to avoid (First 2-3 weeks)

  • Having the tattoo directly in the sun.

  • Soaking the tattooed area in a tub or pool.

  • Picking or scratching the tattoo.

  • Tanning salons.

  • Touching your tattoo unless cleaning.


  1. Your tattoo will itch and become dry, don’t pick or scratch it. Be strong, you can do it!

  2. Your tattoo will begin flaking off, this is normal. DO NOT PICK OFF loose skin. Once it is done peeling apply your favorite moisturizer.

  3. These are general guidelines, please follow your artists specific aftercare instructions.